Fluoride Treatment

What is fluoride?

Fluoride is a mineral compound found in nature and is generally received through your daily water supply. At General Dental 4 Kids, we provide additional fluoride treatment for children, for whom fluoride is especially useful. Over the years, fluoride has been proven to prevent tooth decay and even reverse existing tooth decay.

How does fluoride work?

In Sierra Vista, Arizona, fluoride treatments work in two ways. First, fluoride naturally bonds with your child’s natural tooth structure to harden tooth enamel, making it stronger and more resistant to decay. Second, fluoride forms a protective shield against acid and bacteria caused by built-up food and plaque. Fluoride also benefits permanent teeth that have yet to erupt from underneath the gumline.

How is fluoride applied?

Our caring dentists, Drs. Adams, Haws, and Pace, will be able to determine what type of fluoride treatment will work best for your child. Fluoride can be applied in many ways. The most common is topical fluoride, delivered in:

Depending on your child’s specific dental needs, we may also suggest systemic fluoride, which delivers fluoride through drops in your water or tablets you swallow or chew. Our goal is to help your child’s smile last a lifetime. For more information about our high-quality fluoride treatments, please contact our dental office today.


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